Marine GIS and spatial planning

Pré-requis nécessaires

Basic understanding of major abiotic and biotic variables in marine science. Basic understanding of the dynamics of marine ecosystems. User-level ease with computers. Basic knowledge of data processing and analysis.


Students shall get enough understanding of the rationale, techniques and software tools as to use them in the respective master projects, as well as to boost self-learning afterwards.

Compétences visées

- Data search and retrieval
- Relevance of each type of data and their combinations to the specific nature and spatial scale of marine questions
- Ability and autonomy using algorithms to perform spatial analyses


Introduction to maps and GIS
- Basic cartographic notions
- Map viewers vs. GIS software
- Data structure, types
- Data sources
- Remote sensing servers
- Common vector operations. Data tables
- Common raster operations
- Map calculators (algebra)
- Interpolation
- Overlays between discrete (vectors) and surface (raster) layers
Intro and overview of satellite remote sensing
- Ocean color
- Infrared sensors and sSST [restricted now to Ocean Color datasets]
Case studies and interfacing GIS and R: spatial patterns, basic habitat modeling (within GIS software), home-ranges, etc.
- Spatial planning
- Coastal Zone: planning and integrated management
- The coastal zone. Problems and risks
- Elements of spatial planning
- The general model. Phases: planning, diagnosis, implementing and evaluation
- Coastal zone management in the European Union: policy and laws
- The Mediterranean Protocol
- The green book on Maritime Policy
- Examples and case studies