Histoire des îles britanniques


Enseignante : Mme Anne HELLEGOUARCH

The British Nation in the Victorian Age

Following on what was covered last semester, this course will pick up on the notion of ‘Nation’ and ‘nationalism’ but in relation to one period, specifically - the Victorian era. This semester the course will delve into the many facets of Victorian Britain in the aim of helping students get a clearer picture and better understanding of how the ‘British nation’ evolved from the 1840s to the turn of the 20th. This will involve taking a look at the most significant aspects of Victorian society, economy, politics and culture.

Compétences visées

- ability to identify the main characteristics, landmarks and key concepts of a given historical period and how they fit into a wider timeline

- ability to understand how different factors (social, historical, economic...) combine and interact

- ability to analyse a context and draw relevant conclusions

- ability to analyse a document (text and/or image) and comment on it

- ability to muster relevant arguments and organise them in a logical and convincing way