Littératures britanniques
Introduction to narratology and metafiction (week 1)
1) British fiction: Ian McEwan, Atonement (2001), London: Vintage, 2002, 2016 edition (weeks 2 to 6)
(les étudiant.e.s devront se procurer l'ouvrage et l'avoir lu attentivement pour le début du semestre)
2) British poetry: selection of poems by British women writers, 18th-21st c. (weeks 7 to 11)
(les textes seront communiqués aux étudiant.e.s sous forme de brochure en amont du cours)
Compétences visées
Literature skills: - develop your critical thinking and analytic reading of fiction and poetry
- master the literary terms and methods needed to understand and analyse works of fiction and poetry- communicate your ideas effectively