Histoire des îles britanniques


British Sociabilities the long eighteenth century

Survey of some of the major recent themes in the study of sociability in British towns and cities in the long 18th century (1650-1850), with a social and cultural history approach.

The main focus will be on the use and interpretation of a large variety of primary sources including personal testimony, court records, contemporary fiction and material and visual resources. Each theme will also be explored through a close reading of key texts that allow students to better understand the evolution of scholarly and popular understandings of urban sociability in the long eighteenth century.

Compétences visées

- understand complex issues and draw valid conclusions from the past.

- understand historiographical and sociological debates.

- improve bibliographical, library and online research skills.

- ability to marshal arguments coherently and concisely, both orally and in writing.

- ability to deliver a paper or a presentation in front of peer audiences.

- ability to design and execute a sustained piece of written work.